
EurAfrican 2022

António Nogueira Leite

Professor at Novasbe and Chairman of Ponto Verde,SA

Antonio Nogueira Leite, born in 1962, graduated in economics (1983), Master’s and Doctor in Economics (1988). Full Professor at NovaSBE since 1995, where he was deputy director and president of the scientific council, he is currently Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sociedade Ponto Verde, Director of Mapfre Seguros, SA and Senior Advisor of Hipoges Iberia. In the past, he has held various business functions, having been President of the Lisbon Stock Exchange, Director of the José de Mello group, where he was director of the subholdings  CUF, Bondalti, Efacec and Brisa and Executive Vice President of Caixa Geral de Depósitos, as well as President of Caixa Banco de Investimento and EDP Renovaveis, among others. He was Secretary of State for Treasury and Finance in 1999/2000. He has been a grand officer of the Order of Infante Dom Henrique since 2005.