EurAfrican 2024

Conceição Calhau
Professor, NOVA Medical School – Faculty of Medical Sciences, Portugal
Conceição Calhau graduated in Nutrition from the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of the University of Porto (FCNAUP), and began her career at the Institute of Pharmacology and Therapeutics of the Faculty of Medicine of the same university (FMUP) in 1996, where she has taught Biochemistry, Nutrition and Food Toxicology. In 2002, she earned her Doctorate from FMUP, and in 2010, she took her public Habilitation Examination (Agregação) in the field of Metabolism at the same institution.
Currently, Conceição Calhau is a Faculty member of the NOVA Medical School (NSM) – Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Nova University of Lisbon, as Full Professor. She is also the founder and coordinator of the recently created Graduate Degree in Nutrition Sciences of the NMS.
Her main research interests focused on polyphenols, endocrine disruptors, metabolic dysfunction, and more recently, on iodine nutritional state monitoring in school age children and pregnant women, which has led her to participate in several research projects with national and European funds, involving the Agriculture and Food Industry.
She coordinates the Nutrition group of the Portuguese Clinical Research Infrastructure Network PtCRIN and has published more than 170 indexed scientific articles, besides being in office as President of the Jurisdictional Council of the Order of Nutritionists (2015-2019) and a consulting member of several scientific and medical associations and societies.